Most Iconic Anime Eyes. It has been described to be superior to the sharingan despite the latter having more powers over the course of the series. However, many fans of naruto understand just how powerful and impressive the byakugan is, with its importance rearing its.
The byakugan is one of the most powerful eye techniques in naruto. Unlike the name six eyes, gojou satoru possesses one of the most epic and astoundingly. It has been described to be superior to the sharingan despite the latter having more powers over the course of the series.
Unlike The Name Six Eyes, Gojou Satoru Possesses One Of The Most Epic And Astoundingly.
It has been described to be superior to the sharingan despite the latter having more powers over the course of the series. However, many fans of naruto understand just how powerful and impressive the byakugan is, with its importance rearing its. The byakugan is one of the most powerful eye techniques in naruto.