Emo Anime Character Girl. During her fight against shu tsukiyama, tōka formed a unique wing and controlled her kagune with ease. Yukishiro tomoe from rurouni kenshin:
Over time, tōka gained a second wing with much larger. Yukishiro tomoe from rurouni kenshin: Tokyo ghoul the female protagonist of tokyo ghoul, tōka is awinged ghoul possessing a kagune capable of changing shape at will.
Tokyo Ghoul The Female Protagonist Of Tokyo Ghoul, Tōka Is Awinged Ghoul Possessing A Kagune Capable Of Changing Shape At Will.
At the top of our list is none other than the woman behind. Web top 10 emo anime girl 1. During her fight against shu tsukiyama, tōka formed a unique wing and controlled her kagune with ease.
Yukishiro Tomoe From Rurouni Kenshin:
Over time, tōka gained a second wing with much larger.