Boy Girl Anime Duo. There's a bond between erythrocyte (sekkekkyū) and neutrophil (hakkekkyū) that goes beyond normal bodily operations. However, in cells at work, the relationship between the two is much greater.
In fact, their pairing began long. There's a bond between erythrocyte (sekkekkyū) and neutrophil (hakkekkyū) that goes beyond normal bodily operations. It's true that red blood cells don't work without white blood cells protecting them.
In Fact, Their Pairing Began Long.
However, in cells at work, the relationship between the two is much greater. It's true that red blood cells don't work without white blood cells protecting them. There's a bond between erythrocyte (sekkekkyū) and neutrophil (hakkekkyū) that goes beyond normal bodily operations.