Anime Girl Wolf Emo. Tokyo ghoul the female protagonist of tokyo ghoul, tōka is awinged ghoul possessing a kagune capable of changing shape at will. Over time, tōka gained a second wing with much larger.
During her fight against shu tsukiyama, tōka formed a unique wing and controlled her kagune with ease. Tokyo ghoul the female protagonist of tokyo ghoul, tōka is awinged ghoul possessing a kagune capable of changing shape at will. Over time, tōka gained a second wing with much larger.
During Her Fight Against Shu Tsukiyama, Tōka Formed A Unique Wing And Controlled Her Kagune With Ease.
Ai ( kawaii anime wolf girl ) ai: Tokyo ghoul the female protagonist of tokyo ghoul, tōka is awinged ghoul possessing a kagune capable of changing shape at will. Over time, tōka gained a second wing with much larger.
Ai Nicknamed Love Age15, Beautiful Girls Sporting A Golden Right Eye, A Silver Left.