Anime Girl And Boy Romantic. The show follows yoshida, a salaryman, as he takes in a high school runaway named sayuafter a night of heavy drinking. As yoshida helps sayu rebuild her life and confront her past, themes of trauma, loneliness, and healing emerge.
As yoshida helps sayu rebuild her life and confront her past, themes of trauma, loneliness, and healing emerge. The show follows yoshida, a salaryman, as he takes in a high school runaway named sayuafter a night of heavy drinking. But this anime is anything but a typical romance.
The Show Follows Yoshida, A Salaryman, As He Takes In A High School Runaway Named Sayuafter A Night Of Heavy Drinking.
But this anime is anything but a typical romance. As yoshida helps sayu rebuild her life and confront her past, themes of trauma, loneliness, and healing emerge.