Anime Girl And Boy Couple. The show follows yoshida, a salaryman, as he takes in a high school runaway named sayuafter a night of heavy drinking. As yoshida helps sayu rebuild her life and confront her past, themes of trauma, loneliness, and healing emerge.
Web sep 23, 2016 3:08 am | 339,781 views. But this anime is anything but a typical romance. Just look at how many romance anime focus on the protagonist.
But This Anime Is Anything But A Typical Romance.
As yoshida helps sayu rebuild her life and confront her past, themes of trauma, loneliness, and healing emerge. The show follows yoshida, a salaryman, as he takes in a high school runaway named sayuafter a night of heavy drinking. We love the thrill of the chase.
Web Sep 23, 2016 3:08 Am | 339,781 Views.
Top romance anime about relationships. Just look at how many romance anime focus on the protagonist.